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Dean Smith revealed after Aston Villa's 1-0 victory over Ars

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Inscrit le: 06 Juin 1970
Messages: 12920
Localisation: Wildengraben

MessagePosté le: Dim Avr 18, 2021 2:52 am    Sujet du message: Dean Smith revealed after Aston Villa's 1-0 victory over Ars Répondre en citant

Dean Smith revealed after Aston Villa's 1-0 victory over Arsenal that the club had made use of video conference calls during lockdown to work on their defensive tactics, a novel way to improve that has yielded brilliant results. They are now within touching distance of safety after moving to a deeper and more compressed defensive shape. Douglas Luiz and Ezri Konsa are the two most improved individuals in the system, the former sweeping up in midfield to stop Villa from becoming camisetas de futbol penned in and the latter proving to be an even better defender than Tyrone Mings. That Villa were relatively comfortable for the final ten minutes against Arsenal, when previously they would drop too deep and concede late goals, was testament to the quality of these two players in particular. KayleeLjk billige fodboldtrøjer RenateCha Retro Wall Lamp RalphCaro DarnellGa. . Prior to the lockdown, Villa managed to record an expected goals against of below one on just two occasions in 28 Premier League matches. Since the restart, they have achieved this in six fotballdrakter barn of their nine games. To have solidified the team's defensive shape through distanced team meetings is a remarkable tactical innovation. BessEgan nike football shirts RenateCha Retro Wall Lamp RalphCaro QuyenXuow. . Even before his explosive opening goal Keita was flitting cleverly into spaces between the lines, receiving the ball on the half-turn and piercing through Chelsea's soft centre. That assertiveness, and dribbling ability in tight central areas, is precisely why Keita was signed to replace Philippe Coutinho _ who was playing as a number eight by the end of his Liverpool career.
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