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I know people are saying null and void, but I don't believe

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Inscrit le: 06 Juin 1970
Messages: 12920
Localisation: Wildengraben

MessagePosté le: Ven Avr 09, 2021 12:41 am    Sujet du message: I know people are saying null and void, but I don't believe Répondre en citant

I know people are saying null and void, but I don't believe that is the answer. Other people have said let the season finish now and let them have what they've got. But if you look at the Championship, Leeds are six points clear of Fulham in third position with 27 points to play for. That wouldn't be right. I've seen a quote from Ian Holloway and I thought it was really apt. He said that this season has to be finished because there's been managers that have lost their jobs because of fodboldtrøjer børn results this season. LethaDun voetbalshirts kind CharlesWe chelsea uitshirt UlrichMcw SanfordKe. . If you're going to null and void it, then it means results don't matter, and then those managers shouldn't have lost those jobs. You've got to finish the season, even if it means going into September, October, November and then worry about next season when it comes to it. Because there'll be too many situations where there'll be needle cases, there'll be clubs who have been promoted who think they shouldn't have, clubs who have been relegated who believed they had a chance of getting out of it, and it fodboldtrøjer will just be an absolute mess. But once again, first of all, the most important thing is getting over this terrible situation and after that making sure the leagues are completed. I left Blyth Spartans about three weeks ago. KandisBvy vintage england football shirts CharlesWe chelsea uitshirt UlrichMcw ClarissaT. . I decided to move on, it wasn't the right project for me. It proved a bit more difficult than I expected. I've had a bit of a couple of weeks before the virus kicked in to get myself back into the football, watching Newcastle etc. But now's there is no football at all.
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