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Performance gradually improved, culminating in a resolute 1-

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Inscrit le: 06 Juin 1970
Messages: 12972
Localisation: Wildengraben

MessagePosté le: Dim Avr 04, 2021 6:02 am    Sujet du message: Performance gradually improved, culminating in a resolute 1- Répondre en citant

Performance gradually improved, culminating in a resolute 1-0 victory over Arsenal at Villa Park in which the hosts held 31% possession and took just eight shots on goal. A consistent centre-back partnership of Ezri Konsa and Tyrone Mings was the key, with John McGinn's return from injury also a major boost. Showing the humility to adapt, learn, and grow is the sign of an excellent manager, and that is exactly what Smith did during a soul-searching lockdown. Aston Villa came back tactically transformed, abandoning the possession system in favour of a tight Indoor Outdoor Lighting defence and a deep line, moving from Pep Guardiola to Tony Pulis in the blink of an eye. Smith was far too naïve in the first two-thirds of last season. Having got Villa promoted with expansive attacking football he continued to prioritise a possession style with a gung-ho commitment of full-backs and midfielders _ only without the quality to survive at the top level. SilasGran camisetas futbol DaniellaK manchester united barnkläder RolandCab JustinaFi. . Losing 4-0 to Leicester City in their final game before the March lockdown, Villa looked certain to return to the Championship. Dean Smith kept Villa up on the fotbollströjor final day of last season by winning eight points from the final four games. Just four months later, they are one of the most competent, consistent, and entertaining teams in the division. Remarkably, the league table actually does Villa a disservice. They have out-performed almost every club they have faced this season, losing to Brighton and West Ham despite dominating those games. AdeleStod cheap football shirts china DaniellaK manchester united barnkläder RolandCab IleneShor. . They created more chances than Southampton in a 4-3 defeat, and according to have won 1.65 points fewer than they should have based on xG results across the season.
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