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McGinn has been out of action since suffering a fractured an

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Inscrit le: 06 Juin 1970
Messages: 12920
Localisation: Wildengraben

MessagePosté le: Dim Avr 04, 2021 5:57 am    Sujet du message: McGinn has been out of action since suffering a fractured an Répondre en citant

McGinn has been out of action since suffering a fractured ankle against Southampton in December, but he has stepped up his recovery in recent weeks. Speaking to VillaTV, the Villa boss explained his plans for McGinn's return to match action. Smith highlighted the parallels with Jack Grealish's comeback from injury last term, but he is wary of putting too much pressure on the midfielder. Villa only stayed up on the final day of last season, but relegation seems like a distant memory this fodboldtrøjer campaign thanks to a fine run of form that has lifted them up to ninth. One of the five "quality players" Dean Smith is talking about is Ollie Watkins, who has scored eight goals in 15 appearances since joining from Brentford for a club record fee of £28m over the summer. LesliBurr voetbalshirts kind HaroldBul comprar camisetas de futbol baratas para niños DaleneSal RachelNor. . Villa moved to tie down midfielder John McGinn last week, with the Scot signing a new five-year contract. McGinn has started every Premier League game this season having missed a chunk of maglie calcio bambino the last campaign with a fractured ankle. Smith believes there is still more to come from the 26-year-old, saying: "What a signing Steve Bruce made. He's made a real impact in a short time at the club. AmosTflff fake football shirts HaroldBul comprar camisetas de futbol baratas para niños DaleneSal SungRammp. . He's absolutely adored by the supporters. Aston Villa boss Dean Smith says he has several potential England internationals in his squad. England manager Southgate was in the stands to see Villa kick off their Premier League campaign with a 1-0 home win over Sheffield United.
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