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Inscrit le: 06 Juin 1970
Messages: 12978
Localisation: Wildengraben

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 12, 2022 10:36 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Soccer is the most popular kind of sport. the goal of the game to score with the ball into the gates of competitors, applying any part of the body except the arms. the win goes to the athletes who made more throws. Football was recognized as a professional sport in 1863 . England is considered the birthplace of football . Soccer History Goal-based entertainment used in ancient Greece, Rome, and China. Game were amusement and entertainment. in the 20th century played only by students. There were no general rules. Somewhere do not handle the ball. Somewhere it was allowed to throw the ball with the fingers. In 1846 held first soccer competition . In the UK teams from five colleges met . Athletes selected arbitrators and came up with general requirements. In 1857 the first professional club of Sheffield was established . 20 years athletes from all over the world have created modern football. Only in 1971 approved the regulations, adopted requirements for sports attributes. At the same time the FA Cup was organized. In 1891 new provisions appeared. The term "Penalty" appeared . It was used by as a penalty for breaking the game rules . How football became a famous sport Football became really popular in 1880. The number of cubes within the football association has reached 100 pieces . Previously, football was an amateur sport, since 1981 there have been rumors that the players are getting money. Society did not want to accept money games. For athletes those receiving money were not allowed to represent the country at major matches, and team , breaking the rule , removed from association. 5 years later athletes allowed to receive money for sports achievements . at the same time the world's first football league appeared , its members became footballers.When football became popular Football became really popular in 1880. The number of cubes within the football association has reached 100 pieces . If in the beginning it was an entertaining game , but in the 80s, players started to get paid . Society did not want to accept money games. For players on salary banned from representing the country in national competitions , and club, breaking the rule , expelled from association . In 1885 athletes allowed play for a reward. at the same time the world's first football league appeared , its members became footballers. In 1872 the first international football match has ended. In match competed athletes from England and Scotland. In 1904 the football association held a meeting in Paris . Members of the Association decided change the structure of the association. So they created the famous Fifa . Initially, the national games were called the Olympic Games. When Fifa appeared, international tournaments began to be called the World Cup. This is how the famous UEFA EURO games were born . The team from Uruguay was the winner. The tournament takes place every 2 years. In 2020 due to the global pandemic the competition has been rescheduled for the next year .
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